Grupa Kapitałowa Grupa Azoty
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Positive impact of business diversification on the Grupa Azoty Group’s financial results for 2021

In 2021, the Grupa Azoty Group posted consolidated revenue of PLN 15.90bn (up PLN 5.38bn year on year), EBITDA of PLN 1.95bn (up PLN 624m year on year), and EBITDA margin of 12.2% (down 0.4pp year on year). Net profit in 2021 reached PLN 634m, having increased by PLN 279m year on year. The largest contribution to consolidated EBITDA earned by the Grupa Azoty Group in the fourth quarter of 2021 was made by the Chemicals segment, which posted its best performance on record.

Grupa Azoty launches new edition of its acceleration programme Idea4Azoty 2030

Grupa Azoty is set to launch a refreshed version of its Idea4Azoty programme, which aims to facilitate collaboration between Grupa Azoty and providers of innovative solutions for industrial applications. The project is targeted at universities, research institutions and start-ups.

Current status of Grupa Azoty’s assistance for Ukrainian Refugees

Grupa Azoty Group companies and employees are engaged in the efforts aimed at helping Ukrainian refugees fleeing war.

Force Majeure

Grupa Azoty Zakłady Chemiczne Police S.A. (the “Company”) kindly informs that due to circumstances being beyond the control of the Company, as a result of unforeseen technical problems in the area of the Power Center (failure of two boilers), which could not be predicted and could not be prevented, the Company announced on March 9, 2022 the "Force Majeure" event. The announcement is valid until further notice.

Grupa Azoty to donate PLN 1 million to organisations supporting Ukrainian war refugees

In connection with what is happening in Ukraine, companies of the Grupa Azoty Group are taking a number of initiatives to support Ukrainian refugees fleeing the war. The relief efforts of all state-owned enterprises are being coordinated by the Polish Ministry of State Assets and Ministry of the Interior and Administration.

Grupa Azoty after a meeting with farmer organisations

The current situation on the fertilizer market was among the topics discussed by representatives of Grupa Azoty with Marian Sikora, President of the Federation of Agricultural Producer Associations, and Stanisław Kacperczyk, President of the Polish Association of Grain Producers. At the meeting, Zbigniew Paprocki, Member of the Management Board and CEO of Grupa Azoty S.A., said that the adverse conditions prevailing on the fertilizer market stem from the gas crisis in Europe, that is record-high gas costs, which have risen by several hundred per cent year on year and directly translate into the current fertilizer production cost levels.
