Grupa Kapitałowa Grupa Azoty
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Inorganic chemicals

Iron (II) Sulphate heptahydrate

PKWiU classification:
CN code: 2833

Grupa Azoty Police

Grupa Azoty „Police” S.A. is also a producer of wide group of iron (II) sulpahtes offered under the trade mark Fespol®. In case of interest, we encourage you to visit the product page

CharacteristicsSee more
  • Appearance: crystalline salt
  • Colour: green-blue
  • Bulk density: 08 - 1,0 kg / dm3
  • Melting point: 64 °C
  • Well soluble in water
Quality parametersSee more
  • FESO4 x 7H2O: min. 77,6 % m/m
  • FE2+: min. 15,6 % m/m
  • pH of 5% solution: max. 3,5
  • parts insolube in water: max. 0,5 % m/m
ApplicationSee more
Iron (II) sulphate heptahydrate FESO4 x 7H2O is used mostly as a raw material in the production of:
  • Coagulants used for treating water and wastewater, 
  • Iron pigments, mostly iron oxide black and iron oxide red,
  • Cement and cement products
Packing, storage and transportationSee more
Iron (II) sulphate is transported in bulk with trucks, barges and ships. It should be stored in roofed rooms or in storage yards protected against rain. During longer periods of storage it shows a natural propensity for oxidation and changes in colour to brown-yellow.